
June 20, 2021

Life has a way of catching up to all of us eventually, and one’s health is part of that. In my family recently, we have had a couple of close calls with relatives. I had a bad spell around Mother’s Day and have just been recovering from another set of ailments that hit me hard early last week. I’m here and am thankful that my problems are not life-threatening, not yet, thank goodness.

Living with an auto-immune disease dictates having to work within limits. That means that some plans must change as circumstances do. My upcoming book, The Savage Noble, is near finished, but with meta-reading, editing, marketing, etc., it won’t be released until September. I had wanted What She Says with Her Eyes to be finished by year’s end, although now it likely will not be. I may release it as a multiple-part series of novellas or through Amazon Vella, but I won’t be certain until The Savage Noble is completed.

As for my blog, Sweet Savage Flame, I love doing it and want to do more! It’s growing, slowly but surely, and I’d like to supply quality content, not just rants. Research takes time, especially when you want to get it right. I also plan to do more podcasts or vlogs, and that’s a whole ‘nother can of worms to open up.


-Chapter Two of The Savage Noble is up for a preview, here:

Chapter Two

-Look for a preview of my upcoming book, The Savage Noble, here:

Chapter One

Or on Wattpad